As a Life Coach, of course I've found correlations between how I pursue my personal life goals and how I pursue my goal of winning consistently on Fortnite. Read these lessons and see how they apply to the goals you have in your life - then apply them as you see fit!
3 Books I Highly Recommend Everyone Read For Max Happiness, Self-Awareness, and Financial Freedom
I absolutely love reading, especially non-fiction, self-help type stuff. The ROI (return on investment) of reading these kind of books is ridiculously high. We're talking about spending $20, and most times much less, to leverage someone else's mistakes and success lessons.
All it takes is one sentence, or one paragraph from a book to create a breakthrough that leads to massive success. Yet, according to Huffington Post, over 25% of people have not read a book in the past year. I'm not surprised, though. I was not always an avid reader.
This brief list of books is intended for the brand new reader. But, I highly recommend that everyone get these books and actually read them, for the wisdom and brilliance in each of them will only serve you in being the best version of you and creating the life you truly deserve.
As I list each book, I'll include a brief description, key nuggets I learned (in bullet point format), as well as a **link for you to purchase the book if you are interested in buying AND reading a copy for yourself!
I encourage you to read just one book that calls to you. From there, build a nice library of books to support your never ending growth! On to the 3 books I highly recommend everyone read for max happiness, self-awareness, and financial freedom.
**please note: the amazon links are affiliate links, meaning for every person that uses the link I provide, I will get a small percentage of the sale. By using these affiliate links, you will be directly supporting my personal growth! I make a living off of these affiliate link sales, amongst other streams of income. You always have the option to buy the book elsewhere, or even search for free copies online (*cough* didn't tell you that). If you do use the affiliate links to buy the books, I am SO appreciative, grateful, and blessed to receive your support. I stand by each of these books and the impact it's had on my life, and anyone who reads them. Thank you! - Gabriel Santos
p.s. for those on a tight budget, try your local Goodwill or other thrift stores. I've found each of these books for less than $3 at thrift stores. But please consider using my amazon affiliate link! I'd appreciate the loooove :)
Book #1: The Power of Now
If you've been following my daily blog, you're well aware that this book has impacted my life in the most profound way than any other. The reason is that the writer, Eckhart Tolle, brilliantly explains how the mind works, and how a person's identification with it leads to suffering.
This newfound awareness has literally empowered me to be free from my social anxiety, deep-rooted insecurities, and given me the foundation to be my true, authentic self and achieve any damn goal I set my mind to.
The reality is that although we strive for success and material wealth, no amount of accomplishment could bring the level of deep, spiritual wholeness and satisfaction that we yearn for on a conscious and unconscious level. This book will support you in your search for deep, spiritual fulfillment - it did, and does for me everyday.
Key Nuggets:
you are not your mind, or your reactive emotions. you're much more than that
identification with the mind and reactive emotions is what leads to suffering
by creating awareness of the mind, we create an access to the moment - our true life
the fake feeling we walk around with, that mask, is a product of the ego (the mind)
step outside of the mind, observe it, and make it a priority to be Present
it is the evolution of consciousness and self-awareness that the human species must go through in order to create a world of love
Book #2: Rich Dad Poor Dad
"Rich Dad Poor Dad" is an absolute MUST read for every person looking to create financial independence. By financial independence, I mean not having to trade time for money directly, like most people do as employees.
In this book, the author, Robert Kiyosaki, explains the difference between how rich and poor people perceive money and how to go about creating wealth. Kiyosaki does this by comparing and contrasting his biological father's financial paradigm and results, with that of his friend's father's paradigm who is far wealthier than his own real dad.
For most of us, there is only one pathway to money - go to school, get a job, save money, and retire. As you'll read in this book, that's the slowest and least efficient way to create wealth. It is our responsibility to discover the other, more efficient ways to create wealth, and forever leave the 9-5 rat race.
Key Nuggets:
poor people work for money, rich people have money work for them
there four main ways to create money
employee (E), small business (S), big business (B), investing (I)
(E) & (S) require your time and energy directly; (B) & (I) leverage a system or a model
rich people own assets, poor people own liabilities
poor people have a job, rich people create jobs
creating money is a skill
Book #3: The Power of Habit
Imagine if you could change any negative habit in your life and replace it with ones that serve your highest purpose and goals? In this book you'll discover the exact science behind habits, how they are formed, and how you can manipulate your own habits to create lasting success.
The author, through my research and first-hand experience with clients, explains what he calls a "habit loop" and dissects each piece. He also talks about "keystone habits" which are the habits, that when altered, catalyze many other habits to be altered as well.
Fun fact: This was actually the first ever self-help book I owned. It came to my life at a time where I was looking to gain self-control over my marijuana use - amongst other things. Little did I know that this book, a birthday present from my then girlfriend, would spark my deep love for obtaining knowledge through books! UIly, if you're reading this, thank you.
Key Nuggets:
there is a science behind habits, and they can be manipulated if you know the formula
if you do not consciously form habits, you are not consciously creating your life
identifying triggers is KEY
habits are easy to change if the new solution meets all the needs of the old one, and is BETTER and more efficient
habits are a brain thing, which then become an identity thing, which means we become our habits!
the science behind habits is either working for you or against you
big companies use habit science!
Why I Read Self-Help Books & Why I Encourage You To Do The Same
It wasn't until my life circumstances pulled me to learn as much as I can about myself and the world, that reading really became a part of my life. It typically requires some kind of emotional pain before we start to do things we'd historically never done before. Reading books and working on oneself falls into that category in my opinion.
However, you don't need to wait until your life circumstances are dire (extremely serious or urgent) before you start reading self-help books. Read them NOW, before crisis occurs, and gain and edge in life!
For your scrolling convenience, here are the links to purchase them on Amazon. I labeled each link based on what you'll learn about in each book!
How I Went From Studying Mechanical Engineering to Being a Life Coach (Full Story)
The road to discovering my passion and purpose in being a Life Coach has been wonderful and perfect, but it wasn't always clear. More over, it took me three plus years to finally accept that Life Coaching is what drives me, before I committed fully to making it a reality.
The intention of this blog post is to inspire you to never settle for what simply isn't for you. Use what isn't for you to discover what is. Soon, you'll find yourself knowing deeply what you are really built for, and it'll be on you to make something of your life with it. REJOICE! For it is 100% in your control.
What Do You Mean I'm Not Going Pro? (age 4-17)
Growing up, my dream was to be a professional baseball player. Without hesitation or limitation, I truly believed in this possibility. I dedicated most of my life to honing my skills and being a BEAST. However, over time I convinced myself that my lack of natural physical stature and strength made it impossible for me to accomplish that dream. Within a year of creating that limiting belief for myself, at age 16 or so, I stopped playing baseball and was left to think of something more "realistic" (ew, I know) to do with my life.
I Guess I'll Just Be an Engineer...SIKE! (age 18-22)
As I applied for colleges I still had no idea what the hell I wanted to be or do with my life. With my parents guidance, and my next best guess on what to do, I initially studied to be a Mechanical Engineer. I chose M.E. for very shallow reasons, like money or image, but it was the most clear path for me at the time.
Skip three years later, and an experience I had with my Mechanical Engineering peers, along with a conversation I had with my girlfriend at the time, made it clear that M.E. was not for me and something had to change.
It was my third year at UC Davis. I was in my machine shop class, one where we make metal parts with big machines, talking in a big circle with my engineering group mates, as well as our T.A. (teacher's assistant). One by one each person shared, with passion and deep enthusiasm, the cars they love and what their current car project is. They were raving about the dippity-doo shafts and the 5 billion horse power watts their cars had. Then it was my turn. "I have a Prius" was all I had to contribute. Long story short, it was that experience that made it clear that I simply do not belong with the engineers. We have nothing in common.
To confirm this, I asked my then girlfriend, who was studying Vitaculture and Enology (wine making), "How much do you love your major?" Without hesitation, and with a similar passion and enthusiasm as my engineering classmates, she said "I love it!" Confirmed: I did not feel that way about engineering.
After communicating these feelings to my parents, I eventually switched majors to Psychology. Philosophy and Sociology were other candidates. Psychology made way more sense, and it's the major I eventually graduated with.
Welp, I Have a Degree In Psychology, Now What? (22)
As college ended, I was left with the dreaded responsibility of ensuring that my next career move had to do with my Psychology major (that's what we're supposed to do right? I mean we spent a bajillion dollars on the tuition to get the damn degree).
For about two weeks I worked for a company that focused on serving children with Autism. Even though it fit my major, and I was helping people, the type of work I was not passionate about. I left without hesitation, and almost no warning. A bad habit of mine (depending on who you ask).
Make Me Like Tony Robbins! (age 22)
Again, searching for what I think is the next best move, I went to Google to find answers (of which I highly encourage you to do in your times of need). I literally searched "how to find your passion worksheet." Within literally 10 minutes, it was clear that all I loved to do was study, learn, and apply the works of psychology, personal development, and spirituality. More so, I wanted to do and be just like Tony Robbins.
For those that don't know, Tony Robbins is somewhat the father of the personal development field. He is easily the most recognized and impactful self-help "guru" there has ever been. He has affected millions, if not billions of lives, directly through his books, seminars, audiotapes, and more. Simply put, he is a MASTER of human psychology and peak performance.
(yes, that's me...with the pink beanie, teal, tribal hoodie, underneath a LA Dodgers jersey - HIDING my true self in favor of some false identity)
If you get a chance, watch some of his live coaching breakthrough sessions on YouTube. Better yet, watch this documentary "Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru" on Netflix. In that documentary you'll be taken through the six days of his event "Date With Destiny" as well as behind the scenes footage. I attended DWD back in December of 2016, and it was one of the most transformitive experiences of my life. In fact, I was personally coached by Tony himself. His hands? Massive. His gift of serving others? Awe-inspiring.
I've attended a number of his seminars, and witnessed with my own eyes and soul, Tony coaching someone in deep depression and shifting them into pure bliss and happiness. He is a master, a miracle worker. And I walk in his footsteps every day, doing exactly what he does - albeit on a much smaller scale (for now).
I digress.
Becoming a Certified Life Coach and Failing (age 23)
After the autism gig was done, I decided I'd stop this nonsense and actually get certified as a professional life coach. About a year later, after much dedication, work, and training, I was indeed a Certified Professional Coach. It seemed as if things were naturally falling into place, that is, until I got in my own way and was too afraid to fail and be 100% responsible for creating my life in full.
After a year of making less than $500 as a coach, and being uncertain in my ability to create results for clients, I stopped taking life coaching seriously and was lost for a while.
How funny, I found my passion, I took the steps to make my passion my career, and fear had me convinced that I should stop and do something else.
It took me 3 years to accept my truth (Age 25-26)
For about 3 years I went back searching for answers (and giving up at times to even try something new). I started and stopped 50 new get-rich-quick ventures, smoked tons of weed using my parents' money, kept reading and searching for inner answers, and worked empty jobs.
I was a host at a Chinese restaurant for two months before I left without hesitation and no warning (sound familiar?). Then I drove for Doordash for a couple months as well (and I love Doordash tbh, but I just couldn't ignore the lack of passion behind it). It was my final day at Doordash that I realized I'd much rather die and starve and FAIL at pursuing my deepest passions and goals, than do anything else that might pay me well or fit into what other's think I should do.
It was that day that I fully committed to fulfilling my dreams of being a Life Coach, creating my own online business, Youtube channel, podcast, and so much more. Pretty much, all the dreams and goals I've always "tried" to make happen, but always QUIT, are now ALL I care about and focus the majority of my time planning and executing on.
Thank You, Landmark
I won't lie, it is "scary" at times. But not really. The fear I get present to every now and then has to do with the past. The past has no bearing on who I am or what I'm capable of. I must thank Landmark for giving me that insight, and so many more. Landmark is another big player in the self-help, personal transformation industry. You'll find people who absolutely love it, and those who are turned off by it (no different than Tony Robbins).
It was a program called the Introduction Leaders Program that catalyzed the breakthrough I'd been waiting for, but didn't even know I needed, to step into my true, natural leadership. Long story short, I saw for the first time that when it came to all my dreams and goals, in the past I'd ALWAYS quit - always. Knowing this now, and having all the tools I'd need to create my dream life, I left Landmark, my empty jobs, and said "f*ck this, I'm doing me now."
Landmark is not for everyone, in fact I've stepped away from their work for the time being. But, I do give their work and methodologies in the world of human being and peak performance an A+.
Now, My Life Is The Never Ending Pursuit Of Fulfilling My Mission and Purpose in Life
Here I am now. I write blog posts every day on my own website. I create YouTube videos every week for a growing audience. I'm starting my first ever podcast this Saturday (3/10/18). I will write my first ever 50 page ebook and publish it on Amazon this Thursday (3/8/18). The list goes on.
I am more connected, on purpose, and deeply happy than I've ever been before. This is what I've always wanted for myself. Even if the money isn't there (yet), the audience isn't large (yet), and tangible "success" is still forthcoming - it is the full commitment to making those things happen that has me absolutely en-fucking-thralled to be alive and maximize my life every day.
It is part of my life's mission and purpose to:
1) LEAD and show the people who know me that is is 100% possible to create your own path, one that leads to the income and the lifestyle of one's dreams, and..
2) to empower, support, and inspire people to do exactly what they want to do with their life, in full.
We are not meant to suffer, even though we may at times. I choose to believe that are meant to live loving, joyous, bountiful lives.
That, my precious readers, is how I went from studying mechanical engineering to being a life coach. I cannot wait to hear your stories and meet you all!
Next Chapter Incoming!!!