3 Things I Learned From Camping/Climbing With Elite24 & ExtremeAddicts

Its 10:59pm right now, Sunday night, and I'm currently riding shotgun in an 8-seater van, on my way home from a weekend long trip in Alabama Hills alongside members of Elite24 & ExtremeAddicts. Elite24 and ExtremeAddicts are athlete/adventure groups filled with people who seek to be their best athletic self and conquer extreme adventure feats (aka climbing, hiking, diving, etc.) It was three days filled with outdoor rock climbing, meeting new people, conquering fears, and taking shits in man-made holes we had to dig ourselves. All in all, it was a damn grand time!

I'd like to thank one of my good friends, Andre Rodriguez, for being the main reason I went on this trip. Without him, I would have spent this weekend being in front of my computer most of the time. Nothing wrong with that, as I'd still be productive. But thanks to Andre, I experienced some super valuable, "would have never happened unless I went on this trip" lessons this weekend.

I'll encapsulate those lessons now.

1. We grow by doing things that cause growth. 

As obvious as it sounds, well never become the person we want to be if we don't take on challenges and adventures that we've never done before.  

In my past, I'd typically shy away from anything I didn't feel full certainty in. Things like going on 3 days trips with people I hardly know, to do activities that make me feel nervous and uncomfortable, go on that list.

Turns out I didn't die, neither physically or emotionally. You won't die either. 

2. Embrace Being A Follower When You're Not The Leader.

If you're used to being the leader of the group, then feeling like a follower can sometimes be dis-empowering or shocking.

If you're like me, you like the feeling of power of making decisions and being the one calling the shots.  

Similarly, when you're in territory of little experience, then the certainty you usually have can disappear.

Instead of panicking, judging yourself, or forcing yourself to take the lead, find a way to learn and empower yourself as the follower.

There's nothing wrong with following the leader, especially if the leader has more experience and more influence on the group. There are others ways to exert leadership without being the face of leadership. 

In fact, a great way to lead is to empower the leader! 

3. Be Willing To Learn & Fail

When we explore outside of our comfort zones, we must be willing to accept uncertainty and trust that everything will be okay. My ego doesn't like to look bad, ever. My ego also doesn't like to experience failure - ever. BUT, if I let my ego control my life I'll never do anything new and I'll never live the life I really want.

On the contrary, growth is on the other side of adventure and exploring new realms. Meaning, we must do things we've never done. As such, we must accept we will be noobies in the new worlds of life we explore. Thus, accepting failure is a big part of the journey.

Remember, at one time we all sucked at every single thing we now know and do with ease. Tying our shoes, making food, even WALKING, for crying out loud, we all sucked ass in. 

Here's the difference maker: DO NOT TAKE FAILURE PERSONALLY. Cause it's not!

Success is the process of getting better. The only way to get better is to try and keep trying. 

In fact...let's ask the question: What's the definition of failure? 

Some people look at failure as not getting the result they set out to accomplish. This is just one way of defining failure. 

Another way to define failure is to quit and never try again. 

Let's explore an even deeper question: Does failure even exist? or What is failure?

I promise you I'm not stoned or on shrooms, although I honestly believe I have a permanent access to those realms at times. I digress.

My point is this: Realize that failure is not personal, you're not the best at everything especially if you've never even fucking tried it before, and you'll get better if you just keep trying.