Hey all, ever since I quit my job working for Doordash, it's been an absolute highway to personal milestones and increased happiness and fulfillment. Due to a 5-7 year stint of losses and failures, to have such a quick hit of wins and successes has been amazing. As such, I've been sharing my happiness and success unapologetically, all over my social media.
At first it was out of pure joy and desire to let the world know that I'm winning! Now, it's become more of a show-off, "look at me" type situation. That's still okay, nothing wrong with that.
However, moving forward I will be shifting my intention from sharing my personal successes in favor of empowering others through high quality content and communication.
This will be done through messages directed at people's needs, free content that provides tools and resources to develop oneself, and a host of other content - both paid and free.
Earning my first dollar online has been validating, but I'm quickly seeing that earning a dollar here and dollar there (or even $100 here or there) is not as important as the impact that people are getting for what they pay for, as well as REAL change and transformation in their life.
In addition to the goal of making $100 online overnight, my goal is to receive those emails and messages where people say "my life has been changed, thank you." Not so that I can bask in myself, but so that others lives are actually transforming - which is what's most important.
All that truly matters is that we're all happy, living the lives we want to live. It's gotten to the point where I can give myself credit and that's enough. I'll always appreciate other's kind words and validation, but it's less about that now. Like I said, it's more about impact and directly helping others and empowering them to achieve their goals.
The journey to the top is pointless if we're not doing it together. To the top we go!