A common phrasing people throw around is "if you were to die today, what would you do? how would you live?" This is a valuable thought exercise and will create new ideas that we don't typically come to.
In the same light, ask yourself this, "if I had 100 more years to live, what would I do?"
I remember asking myself this question a year ago or so. We easily get caught up in the notion that we're going to die tomorrow and it'll all be over. But I hardly considered the possibility that I'm going to be alive to be 100.
100 more years is a long time. The point of this is to consider if the life you're living now is the one you want to live, or is leading to the one you want to live. If it's not...it's time to get moving.
I think something people struggle with, especially millenials (myself included), is the lack of long-term planning. Furthermore, a lack of taking the actions today that align with a long-term plan.
For example, my "nemesis" is saving money, as is a lot of peoples. I forget the actual statistic, but the national average household lives paycheck to paycheck. We clearly use our money as short-term gratification. Hardly any of us create long-term wealth, yet if we could have long-term wealth we'd all say yes.
Back on topic, ask yourself, "if I had 100 years to maximize my time on earth, to maximize this life I have, what would I do and how can I do it?"
Of course, you'll start with your own personal goals and desires. "I want to travel to Paris, New York and London. I want to save up a million dollars, a BILLION dollars. I want this kind of house. I want this kind of husband/wife. Five kids, 3 dogs and a turtle. X Y Z."
Do unfold your deepest desires.
Then, after that, step into the community. How do you want to impact those around you? Do you want to teach your skills and experiences? Do you want to volunteer your time and build houses? Maybe you want to start a fund that supports, I don't know, some kind of cause you stand by.
Point is, it's not enough to fill our own cup and call it a day. Well, I mean, it's enough, but there's something unfulfilling about being the only one full while others are running around empty.
There's a term called "Ubuntu" which means "I am because we are". Essentially, if the whole group is not well, then no individual is well.
There's more than enough resources for all of us to be thriving on the material level. And there's an unlimited resource of love and joy on the spiritual side.
So, whatever it is that calls your heart, get to it if you aren't already. Could you die tomorrow? Yea. You could also live tomorrow and for the next 100 years that follow.
*smirks and shrugs shoulders*
Much love,
Gabriel Santos