Why I Love Being A Life Coach

I love coaching so much. It's fulfilling on many levels. 

For one, my natural gifts align with the skills and purpose of a Life Coach. Second, the combination of my professional training through IPEC, and personal development work with Tony Robbins and Landmark Worldwide, has only created an even more effective and dynamic coach/person in me. 

What's even deeper than that, is that the sessions I have with my clients are conversations that ultimately lead to my clients living the life they really want. 

Whether it's becoming an e-Sports psychology coach, walking on the moon, owning a $10 million dollar business, or taking a 3 year trip to travel the world and give acts of kindness and love in various countries, there is no limit to what is possible for my clients and the work we do together - ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. 

And that, my friends, family, and readers, is what being a Life Coach is all about. Being someone to empower people to go from where there are now, to where they want to be. To be an agent of possibility. A catalyst of dreams fulfilled. 

I am grateful to live this path. I am honored to serve the human race in this capacity. It is what I choose to do. I love it - every second. 

Cheers - To creating a beautiful, passionate, fulfilling, successful life! 

Much Love,


Gabe Santos

(p.s. fun fact when I was 3 years old I wanted to be a dinosaur, lmao RAAAWWWRRR!!!! )