On March 23, 2018, my first eBook went live on Amazon.com. It's a 50 page eBook that contains tips, tools, stories, and exercises for a person looking to overcome marijuana addiction. It was an awesome experience writing my first ebook, and I will be writing more in the future! More importantly, if I can write an ebook, so can you!
For those that don't know, I struggled with responsible (or should I say irresponsible) cannabis use for eight years. It wasn't until I had a couple massive breakthroughs in 2017 and 2018 that I gained the newfound freedom and responsibility I enjoy in life today - which includes the new way I used weed to serve my life purpose.
This book is the fruit of the positive and negative experiences I had with marijuana addiction in those eight years. It is my intention that this book, along with all my content (both about marijuana addiction and life in general) serve the positive evolution of humanity and the people in it.
Click the link to see it on Amazon for yourself!
>>Marijuana Mindfulness: Transcend The Addiction Cycle & Gain Ultimate Self-Control<<
Thank You, Stefan James!
Let me be clear, I did not do this alone. I had the help of someone who's very successful at creating profitable eBooks on Amazon. What's funny is that I have never met this person. His name is Stefan James, and he owns a multi 6-figure (if not 7-figure) business brand called Project Life Mastery.
I subscribed to the Project Life Mastery YouTube channel many years ago. Over time, I'd used some of the tips and tricks on how to better myself from those videos. Eventually, out of curiosity and the naive desire to make easy money, I bought one of Stefan's marquee courses
"K Money Mastery" (the K stands for Kindle). This program offers a "How To Write A Book in 24 Hours" program, as well as an in-depth video series on how to publish, market, and profit on the ebooks one creates.
When I bought the program back in 2014, I didn't do anything with it. Since then, I forgot I even owned access to the program. However, since committing to the execution and fruition of my dreams, the possibility of writing an eBook was reignited.
Luckily, my access to K Money Mastery was still available. Through the program I learned how to write a book in 24 hours, as well as publish and market my book on Amazon.
I kid you not, I wrote 95% of the book in 24 hours. More like 12 hours to be exact. It then took me about two weeks to put all the missing pieces together and upload it to Amazon.
In total, I spent about 24 hours and $27 to create this book. It could have been cost free, but I chose to hire two people off of Fiverr.com to create the book cover and format the document so it's Kindle-ready. Pretty damn amazing.
The Hardest Part Was Not Writing The Book
The biggest hurdle was not writing the book, it was the fear of failure and rejection. The actual writing part was simple, especially because the topic is something I have a lot of knowledge and experience in. However, the closer I got to finalizing the book and having nothing left but to upload it on Amazon, the more nervous and resistant I became.
I'd think, "What if nobody buys it?" or "What if people think its poorly written?"
Alas, I bit the bullet, stopped listening to the self-doubting thoughts, and pressed "upload." The rest, as they say, his history! Now, here I sit, a published author on Amazon. BOO YA!
It's Your Turn! If You So Desire.
If you are interested in writing your own eBook and publishing it on Amazon, I highly recommend K Money Mastery: https://kmoneymastery.com/
If you want to get to know Stefan James a little more first, and learn some stuff for free, check these two links out:
Website: https://projectlifemastery.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ProjectLifeMastery
Special Message
There is nothing special about the people who have major success and achievements in this world. They deal with the same self-doubt, fear, and worry of failure that all people do. They also have the same brilliance, effort, and possibility of major success that all people have.
My point is, if you want to make something happen, be it $1,000,000 in sales, running a blog, or becoming an astronaut. There is no rule in the Universe that says you can't, but someone else can. There is no gene or piece of DNA that dictates who becomes super successful and who ends up living a mediocre life. That part is up to the individual.
Bite the bullet. Make the leap. Choose which side of success you want to be on, then execute. Trust that things will fall into the place. As long as you stay proactive, everything and anything you want will be yours.
LET'S GO!!!!