Break Up With The Old You

Identities are funny. We become them. We come to know ourselves as a certain way. 

"I am smart."


"I am lazy."

In the process of changing ourselves, we actively seek to turn our laziness into productivity. We say to ourselves "I am this way, how can I stop being this way?"

In this case, we battle our laziness. We judge it. On the days we are productive, we feel successful. On the days we are lazy, we feel failure. 

Then, maybe, for a period of time we are very productive. Maybe, it even gets to a point where we identify as productive rather than lazy. 

"I am productive", we say. Our identity has shifted. 

And the way we related to ourselves has shifted. The comfort and ease we used to find in laziness, we now find in productivity. 

And maybe, for a time, we revert to our lazy ways. Maybe we even let the laziness be our identity for a short stint. Only to realize, that laziness, although beautiful in itself and an old friend, has no space to live in the life we want anymore. 

Meaning, just like we want to spend a day kissing, cuddling, and loving our ex-girlfriend long after breaking up, there's a reason why we let go, and ultimately it is that path we must continue onward.

And so, just like your ex-partner, you must say goodbye to your old identities and habits, for they do not serve you anymore. 

For a time it may feel sad, and difficult. But quickly, and surely, the feeling of sadness will be interrupted by levels of happiness that laziness could never bring, just like your ex-girlfriend couldn't either.