Keep Moving Forward

In late February of 2018 I decided to quit my money-making role as a Doordash food delivery guy and pursue my dreams full-time. These dreams include building my own Life Coaching business, writing blog posts every day, and running a YouTube channel that eventually has a million subscribers. It's only been two months since I made that decision and I already want to give up. Well, not actually. But, I can see why people would give up at this stage - and it's ONLY TWO MONTHS IN. 

In this post, I want to focus on one thing: KEEP MOVING FORWARD. And in the background, keep the following in mind: It's more fulfilling to pursue a dream and never make, it than to never pursue a dream at all.

Moving Forward.

Accept The Uncertainty Of Not Knowing When or How

The thing about pursuing our dreams is the uncertainty of making it. Whereas our backup plans always have certainty behind them, which makes them very desirable when plan A doesn't seem to be working. Look...we may never make it...but we will NEVER make it if we quit. That's why we must keep moving forward despite "how long it's taking" or "how much it's not working out."

Most people settle for a life that's tolerable and comfortable, even if it means deep down it's not what they wish they're doing. This is normal. In fact, it's expected. "That's just the way life is" is a common phrase thrown around. Listen to the advice of people who have the life you want, not from people who have the life you don't want.

I listen to the advice and experience of people who play life at the largest scale. People like Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, Gary Vaynerchuck, Grant Cardone, Kobe Bryant, etc. People who have more success and fulfillment in life than all the people in my contacts list combined. You know what practically all these people are saying when it comes to pursuing one's dreams? DO IT. That wasn't as poetic as I thought it would be.

Point is this: WE MUST NOT WAIT. I get that the timing may not be perfect, and the money may not be flowing, but it's not going to. It's not ever going to get to the point where the temperature of your life is perfect such that pursuing your dreams has zero perceived risk. It's just not. 

If you're two months in and not even CLOSE to being a millionaire and other levels of success that you're targeting, KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

If you're still at your old job and waiting to find inspiration before you quit and go for it all, KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

If you've made your first $1 online and can't wait for more, KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

If you literally don't know what you want in life and are panicking because everyone on social media seems to be doing just great, KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

My heart goes out to everyone right now. Whether you've been following these blogs for a long time or this is your first time dropping in. My assumption is that you're someone who aspires to maximize their time on earth and die fulfilled. I love you.

Whatever you're up to, good fuckin shit. Whatever problems you're dealing with, you got this and they will all pass. It's all so temporary I can't even.

In 80 years we're gonna be gone. That's short as fuck. That's legit nothing. 

So enjoy. It's not that serious at all. I forget that and I know you do too. 

But it's all good.

I love you all. This is fun.

Much love,


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