Building a well optimized and designed website that produces high quality content is not an overnight feat. Yet, that is the vision many of us have when we dream of having our own website.
We look at the websites of people like Tony Robbins, Apple, or our favorite YouTuber, and we imagine that our website will look similar. Even more, we truly believe that we can create a website as good as them.
Trust me though, if you've ever tried to create a website that people actually care about, that attracts views and clicks, then you know it takes more than just 30 minutes on the Square Space web builder to create something worth someone's time.
Building an awesome website is no different than building anything else awesome, it takes time and work, and a lot of adjustments. AKA, there's a learning curve that you'll have to go through.
So START NOW. Who cares if you don't know how. That's why NOW is the time to learn. Cause it's gonna take time to get it where you want it to be. So START NOW.
Who cares if it sucks. Who cares if nobody visits it. Who cares if nobody cares. Why would they?
It takes time before people care. They won't be able to care if you don't START NOW, and constantly work on it until they do care.
Plus! The Internet is here to stay. And creating your own website is equivalent to having your own business, or house, online. You MUST have one if you want to thrive in the society we live in.
(okay I take that back, you don't have to have a website, but it's a damn smart idea)
CREATE content. It doesn't have to be an award winning article, book, video, or product. Just create stuff that's yours. Who KNOWS what can happen.
All it takes is one viewer to LOVE your stuff, follow you closely, and share your material. That's all it takes. And all of a sudden you matter to someone's life. Your content WILL matter to someone out there. It won't matter at all though, if you don't create any content and make it visible to others.
SO START NOW!!! The world is waiting.