Dear Gabe,
At the time you wrote this post, you were sitting on a bench outside of the Pomona Valley Hospital ER waiting room. Grandma was admitted into the hospital for precautionary reasons. Remember?
At the moment, there's no certainty in whether Grandma will still be alive when you read this message a year from now, but hopefully she is. I'd write more about that, meaning Grandma and death and life and all that, but that's not what I want you to focus on today.
For some reason you thought this hilarious at the time. "Future Gabe reading old posts"
What I do want you to focus on today, as you read this a year from now, is the place you were in mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in terms of your journey of creating an online business and creating your dreams.
On this day you had just completed your first online click funnel! It only took you three days or so to get it off the ground. You don't necessarily feel that accomplished right now, but in hindsight that was some good shit.
At the moment you don't really feel confident in terms of where this is all headed and if it will lead to massive success like you hope. Well, that's not entirely true. What you're dealing with today is uncertainty.
Unlike a 9-5 job, playing video games, or watching TV, you can't foresee how this is all going to play out. You have idealistic versions of how you want it all to play out, but you don't really know.
All things considered, you're doing really well. Let's get into some metrics, just so you can compare today (4/15/18) with your current stats (4/15/19).
You earn on average $100 a month from Life Results Coaching clients, plus some benefits like a meal here or there. You also average something like $4 per month via digital products. All you have going on at this point is the one ebook, Marijuana Mindfulness.
To your name, you have less than $700 in cash. You make things work, but you know it's not sustainable. In fact, you just listed your Xbox One for sale. Goodbye Fortnite. It was a wise decision. I think you'll agree, Future Gabe.
You do not have a girlfriend, or any prospects, but literally on this day you opened up the possibility of being in a relationship again. The conclusion you came to though is that focusing on being financially self-dependent, no longer using money from mom and dad, is the most important thing right now. A girlfriend can come after that's taken care of.
By 4/15/19 you should be well on your own feet financially. If you're not, boy, wtf were you doing this whole time?
Health & Wellness:
Currently you're about 152 lbs and 17% body fat. You do a 10-30 minute HIIT workout every morning, courtesy of Elite24 workout plan. You're JUST about to start a strength training program as well.
Your nutrition game is at a solid B. You're doing well!
At the moment you work with 6 Coaching clients, run a daily blog, and have 1 functioning click funnel for Marijuana Addiction audiences. It doesn't feel like much right now, but it's actually pretty damn good. The reason it doesn't feel like much is cause the money isn't flowing and you're not living in a mansion yet. Patience my son.
Emotional State:
In general, you feel pretty grounded and guided. You have your moments of panic, self doubt, and insecurity. A majority of the time you feel great and hold a space of positivity and growth. Quite a drastic transformation compared to a year ago (4/15/17).
You're still going through a shift in identity. For a long ass time you've carried the identity of failure, weakness, insecurity, and lack. As you're taking action and creating results that do not align with that identity, you're developing the identity of success, growth, confidence, and maturity. It hasn't quite replaced the past yet, but you're well on your way.
This area of life will be veerryy interesting to compare to when it's 4/15/19.
Well, that's all I really want to write about for now. When it's 4/15/19, make sure to read this post and create an update! Also be sure to link this post in the 4/15/19 post so other people can refer to it.
Consider writing another post for 4/15/20 Gabe to assess.
Until then!