Special Message #6: The Answers Are Coming

The "Special Message" Series was born on March 24, 2018 @ 8:58 PM. Each special message post will contain in it a random message for no reason other than to share it with the people. Enjoy!

For years, I consumed a lot of knowledge but saw little change in my results. It felt like I was constantly going 1 step forward and 1 step back. It seemed that none of my life changing plans ever stuck. 

It sucked.

As I reflect on those "change-less" years, it's clear that although nothing seemed to stick, there was still a lot of valuable progress made. 

And now, I realize that those experiences eventually led me to where I am now today. Literally.

For you, if you are stuck in a certain area of life, and can never seem to accomplish that one goal you've had on your list for years now, keep trudging along as you are.

One day, when you are "ready" the clicking point will happen and you will meet the right people, be in the right situation, and what you want will be there for the taking.

You may not know it when it happens, but, just like I am doing now, you will reflect and see that all your failures, frustrations, and seeking alternative solutions led you to your eventual success.

Keep. Fuckin. Goin, baby. 

As Morpheus tells Neo, "Rest, Neo....The answers are coming."