Song: Shining Star by Earth Wind and Fire
Time: 5:32AM
Location: Home Office
The Last Thing I Did Before Writing This: irrelevant lol!
Dedicated to Mr. Lewis, one of the best English teachers of all time.
Mr. Lewis is a remarkable man. He had both of his legs amputated from the knees down due to a flesh eating bacteria virus. He also had throat cancer, causing his voice to be hoarse as if he had attended a rock concert the night before (but not in a cool way). He’s gone through some shit.
Yet, despite much suffering and pain and loss of literal body parts, he showed up as a kind, dedicated, productive, effective teacher of 16-17 year olds.
At the beginning of every class, we had a routine as students. It was to freewrite for 5 minutes. The format is easy, and the rules simple.
Format: document the song and other relevant things at the top of the page (as I did on this blog post)
Rules: Write for 5 minutes about anything. If you get stuck just write “chocolate” over and over and over.
Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate.
And that’s it!
For your reading pleasure, I’ll scan and share one of the old write-ups from my actual journal in Mr. Lewis’ class. So glad I kept it after all these years. The pictures will be at the bottom of this post.
Anyways. Chocolate Chocolate.
This was fun.
Peace Yall