What It's Like Dealing With Fear & Self Doubt As I Create My Dreams

The primary goal I have this year is to consistently create $3,000 a month of "passive income" by December 31, 2018. I understand that "passive income" is not as "passive" as I used to think, that's why it's in quotes. Point is this, by the end of the year, I want a majority of this $3,000 income to come through online revenue - digital products, ads, affiliate sales, etc. 

Thing is I've NEVER done this before. To the scarce identity I've carried in the past, $3,000 a month is not possible - let alone passively. Meaning this: This goal stretches the shit out of me and creates more uncertainty in my life than ever before. 

"Can I do it?" "Will I do it?" Are the subconscious thoughts I deal with daily.

With no Doordash paycheck coming in every Monday, there's less certainty in my life than ever before. Yet, there's never been more certainty. "Gabe, what?" Let me explain.

Less Certainty: I legit have no idea how the f##k this is all going to play out. I have a general sense of what's possible, and I know it'll take time to get there, but I've NEVER been down this path before, meaning the certainty of getting from A to B is pretty low right now. 

More Certainty: Even if I don't know the exact A, B, C steps to get there, the certainty I have in myself to make it all happen is high. Furthermore, the level of groundedness I create on a daily  basis is a big factor as well. 

What I want to share with you for the majority of the this post is what it's like dealing with fear and self doubt as I move forward in creating my dreams. I will do this in three parts. 

Be sure to read all the way to the end to get a list of resources that have helped me tremendously in terms of being grounded, confident, and educated on what I need to do to make all my dreams come true - and will help you do the same!

1. It's All On Me

No matter how much love and support other people give me throughout the day, at the end of the day I go to bed the sole owner of the problems and solutions of my journey. Of course, this is the case for every person. However, as one of my favorite Entrepreneurs Gary Vaynerchuck says, "When you're an employee blaming your boss, a student with a teacher that doesn't fit your learning style, or a #2 at a company who can always turn to the CEO for decisions, you can always turn to someone else and say "it's your fault" or "what are we going to do?" When you're a CEO, the #1 person, the head of the decision tree, you have only yourself to blame. 

The beautiful part is this, if you lose it's on you, but if you win it's also on you. I large part in why I chose this path of self-owned business and online business is because I want to be the one responsible for it all. I want the glory. I want to make all the decisions. I want full creative control. The loneliness, the fear of failure, the nowhere to run or hide part to it all? Well that's just par for the course as I'm discovering.

  2. It Forces Me To Grow

If I don't find ways to deal with fear and self doubt effectively, I don't move forward, and I don't achieve the results I want. Thus, I am forced to grow in order to create success. By success I mean having money to pay for food and gas so I can survive, and achieve the goals I promised myself and others I'd create by the end of the year. At the moment, just starting out, it's more scratch and claw than it is fly and soar, but it's all perfect and it's not nearly as bad as it seems.

As I grow, so does my business. As I "die", so does my business. My business is me, and I am my business. The philosophical and spiritual nature of life and business is so f##king cool - I love it. 

3. It's Hilarious At Times

At the end of the day, the moment is all there is. Whenever I catch myself all up in my head, stuck in a story that has to do with the future or past, I laugh out loud. 

Fear is a funny ass thing, man. The way it takes over our body and minds is fascinating. Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure the way we react to fear of modern day stress is the same way we react to fear of the caveman days.

Meaning, whether it's a saber tooth tiger about to eat our f$$king face off, or a 1 page blog that we are concerned of how people will reject of approve of us, our bodies and minds go ape sh$t and release the same chemicals and urge us to react as if death is near. 

So yea, whenever I catch my body and mind freaking out as if posting a blog is equivalent to almost physically dying, I laugh my ass off and get back to work - HAHA.

Take Away Message

Fear and Self Doubt are illusions of the mind. When these illusions are brought to the surface as illusions, the doubt and fear disappear.