Transparency Talk #4: Who Knew A Blog Would Trigger My Deepest Fears

Hey all, in transparent fashion, the purpose of today's blog is to let yall into my mind and read what's really going on behind the scenes. Enjoy :)

To those who have been keeping up with this blog and my journey since day 1, I appreciate you. Same goes to anyone that's hopped on the plane along the way. I promise your support will be worth it. I don't know in what way it'll be worth it, but it will. 

The Blog Is A Reflection Of My Inner World

One of the things I really enjoy about running a blog is the ability to utilize my relationship to the blog as a way to get spiritual, psychological, and emotional feedback on my well being. 

What I mean by that is, in the process of running a blog many insecurities, limiting beliefs, and deep fears are brought up to the surface - triggered so to speak. As they come to the surface I am able to learn from them and grow past them. It's a beautiful thing to experience. I am grateful for it.

One of the things that the blog has brought to my attention is how much my identity, or ego, or whatever you want to call it, is used to operating in a way that gets attention and approval from others.

My ego NEEDS approval. It's afraid of not receiving love, especially love from people it thinks it would die from if the love were to go away.

The inevitable truth is that I cannot depend on the love of others to satisfy my absolute need for love. One day, even my own mother or father could say something that hits deep emotionally. I am prepared for that day. Besides, what my parents say, in theory, is no different than what any other person has to say. It's just words and opinions that have nothing to do with me. 

Transitioning From Seeking Approval To Serving A Purpose

I'll be 100% with ya'll, there has been a hidden agenda of seeking approval, attention, and validation from others through this blog. Not a ton of it, but it's been there. I've spoken about this a number of times in recent blog posts. 

As I become more and more aware of it, I am choosing to alter intentions and actions in a way that serves a higher purpose. What that looks like thus far is straying away from writing posts that would please the masses, and instead focusing on attracting the people who are in my target audience. 

For now, the people who I seek to serve are those who have gotten lost in marijuana use as a means to escape uncertain emotions and responsibilities. I am still nervous to embody that as part of my identity. That's all just a story though. There's actually nothing scary about it at all. Just the ego losing its shit again. Typical.

Brief Status Update On My Health & Well-Being

Moving on to another topic, my overall health and well being is at a solid A according to my standards. Every day isn't perfect, but there's at least one to ten things in a day that I am proud of doing and require a new level of growth to achieve. It's extremely fulfilling to live this way. I thank myself and the forces that be for bringing me here. Bless.

A Final Message To You The Reader

I hope everyone is doing well. I imagine there is an equal balance of people who are thriving, surviving, and not doing well at all. 

To those who are thriving, I am happy for you. Stay in touch with what keeps you thriving. Remember, you are a leader and an example for others. Take responsibility for the impact your life has on others. I know you do already.

To those surviving, your time is near. Find a way to go from scarcity to abundance. You will make it to the thriving side of life. Thriving doesn't mean you have millions of dollars. It means your emotional and mental state are at a place where life is beautiful and plentiful no matter how much money you have or don't have. Which happens to produce more of a thriving environment. 

To those who are not doing well at all, my heart goes out to you. You may have just been broken up with, fired from your job, or just lost and have no sense of direction in life. Whatever the case, know that for every bad situation it is balanced out by a good situation. If you can, I encourage you to choose one daily habit to instill discipline and certainty in your life. Ideally it is something that involves exercise and nutrition. You'd be surprised at how a lack of proper exercise, water, and nutrition leads to shitty states of mind, emotions, and this type of "lost" feeling you're experiencing. In any case, your life will be better soon. 

On that note, that's all for today's transparency blog post! Thank you for reading. I'll see you tomorrow.

Peace and Love,


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