Special Thank You To My Parents

God, where do I even begin? First, I want everyone to know that my parents are fantastic human beings. Aside from what they've given me and my sisters, along with other family and friends, they are good-hearted people who've earned everything they have in life.

They've been married now for over...idk...25 years? It's a long time I know that. Their support, emotionally and financially, has been rock solid since day one. This has enabled me to be free from certain stresses that many people wish they could have peace of mind over, as well as develop and grow in a way that's very unique.


Most people are blessed to have two parents that stay together. It's a whole other level when those parents are living, giving, and kind. It's a complete game changer when they can provide financially. 

Let me pause right here and be clear that this is not about comparing parents, but instead about expressing the gratitude and blessed-ness I have for these people and my upbringing. In fact, there are times when I feel ashamed over the support I've been given. Both in not wanting to gloat and also feeling like I'm not meeting the standards that having this opportunity should create. I digress.

Thanks to my parents, I've been able to focus solely on my personal development and how I can live the life that I love - both materially and spiritually. I'm not necessarily subject to find a job and help pay for bills. 


That said, I have full faith that their selfless giving and support will lead to something worth waiting for. This is not a sentiment of cockiness or self-righteousness. When you know the truth, you must speak it without fear. It is largely due to the personal development that's been funded by my parents that I am the way I am. 

One of my intentions is to use my success to support the growth and development of many others whose life circumstances may not include parents (or other supporters) like mine. No doubt, I was given this set of circumstances for a reason. A reason much bigger than just my own life and personal glory (of which I am learning to let go of and be humble still).

All of this to say, I am so damn grateful for my parents. Thank you both for the support you've given and continue provide. I look forward to being the one buying dinner at fancy restaurants, surprising you with vacations out of the country, and funding your life goals (although...they won't need any of my money cause they have that on lock). 


That goes for everyone else who's supported me and helped me along the way. I plan on creating systems and business that create endless cash flow for all of us to thrive off of. And that will help you create your own. 

This is so much more than just me and these little goals I have. Forgive me when I get too cocky, when I get self-righteous, when I show off too much. I must admit that I've had a rough patch of failures that had me feeling really shitty. So all the sharing of my successes has to do with the pride that comes with overcoming my depressive states and addictive cycles. 

I promise, I promise it's so much more than just me making my first $1 online. But that's where I am now. And the little kid that can't believe his own eyes comes out to celebrate. 

And shit, I AM proud of the stuff I'm doing. A lot of people DREAM of making their first $1 online. I actually did it. So yes, I'm putting that in people's faces cause I'm making shit happen. But I promise it's nothing special. It really isn't. In fact, it's already becoming normal. I expect success more than I do failure. That has not always been the case, and it's not like that every day. Still, it's true for me. 


We will rise together. We will all live a life, that when it's nearly over and we look back, we'll say to ourselves "yeah, that's exactly what I had in mind." 

It's not that hard to do. It's not!

The first step is to decide that we are not going to live the life we think we have to live. Instead, we commit to the life we DO want to live. Sure, we're not gonna have money for a while. Sure, we're gonna have to eat instant oatmeal 7 days of the week. But that sure as hell beats working at a job we are okay with for 40 years. 

IT WILL ALL PAY OFF. It's a small price to pay for a lifetime of love, joy, passion, and desired success. 

It will all pay off. And it's only just begun.