Discover Your Passion Worksheet + A Message For You To Break Free

Hey all, in today's blog post I will share with you the exact same worksheet that helped me discover my passion for Life Coaching. Now, don't be mistaken: discovering your passion is different than creating a career out of it. And your passion may not even be your purpose - but my guess is that it's closely tied together in some way. However, once you know what you're passionate about, that's one step closer to making it your life's work. If you want to get straight into the worksheet, here it is:

Finding Your Passions Worksheet (I did not create this)

Once you're done working on it, come back to this post and read the rest of what I have to share with you. It's urgent. 

You Must BREAK FREE and Live Your Passion ASAP

Your passion is what you do and think about when you don't have to - but you do because you just can't help yourself. 

Conor Mcgregor thinks about fighting, all day long - he can't help it. Kobe couldn't NOT think about basketball - and now storytelling. I'm convinced Kanye thinks in beats and melodies. 

For you, there is a "something" that consumes you. And it is that something that I encourage you to make your life work. There is 100% a way for your life to be a complete embodiment of what you love most.

You don't have to settle for comfort, ease, or normality. I'm talking about going from empty 9-5 job to 9-5 job, hoping to get a raise that allows you to live comfortably. For some people that's okay. For you, that's not. I know it's not. You don't find my blog if you're that kind of person. 

If you are, I apologize. There is nothing inherently right or wrong with whatever path you choose and desire. It is just my deep desire that every person live the exact life they want to live, do exactly what they want to do, and LOVE every second of it. Anything less is simply not enough for you, or me. 

The opportunity we have, of being alive, especially in THIS time when the internet makes it possible for ANYONE to have a following, and thus for ANYONE to monetize themselves, must be taken full advantage of. You MUST find a way to break free from the conditioning of doing things a certain way. 

The path to making your passion your career is not as straightforward as go to school, get a job, and retire. It's WAY more exciting than that. You'll find that you'd much rather live every day pursuing the big dream you have, than getting through the end of the day at your current job. It's just NOT WORTH IT. 

DO NOT WAIT until you are 55 years old to realize this. LEVERAGE the experience of people much older than you, who will tell you what I'm telling you now. I know this, because I talk and listen to these exact 55 year olds at the seminars and workshops I've attended over the years.

A common theme is this: "I jumped through all the hoops, checked off all the boxes, and it still wasn't enough."

In fact, the other day I hopped on a Live Facebook session from a random guy that added me on facebook after attending the same Tony Robbins seminar together. He shared with the three of us watching a message his grandma had for him before she died: "I can't believe 'keeping up with the Jones' is not the answer." Translation, doing what you think everyone (your parents, peers, society) wants you to do is not the answer. And whilst everyone else does it cause they think everyone else expects that of them too, you must decide that you'd much rather die than do that. Seriously. Dead serious - no pun intended. 

F*CK the hoops. F*ck the boxes. Create your own hoops, create your own boxes. The ones that you'll need to do in order to make your passion your career. 

It is ALL 100% possible. You are meant to SHINE. You are meant to LOVE life, EVERYDAY. Not suffer. Not have it be hard. Not struggle. You're meant to THRIVE. 

BREAK FREE. You must. Your real, true life is waiting for you. I'm here to support, empower, and inspire in your journey as you see fit.

It's your life! You are the creator! Make it a masterpiece.

Be Unreasonable In Your Journey To Success

Photo by Sam Edwards/OJO Images / Getty Images

Photo by Sam Edwards/OJO Images / Getty Images

It's 11:15pm right now as I write this blog post. I typically end all intensive brain power activities at 10pm sharp - for my own sanity and self-care. However, in the path to creating the life I want and deserve, it's clear that in order to get where I will soon be, I must be unreasonable - and so do you.

Nobody is going to move me forward. At the end of the day, I can attend $10,000 worth of Tony Robbins seminars, be trained by the best coaches and teachers, read every book on "how to succeed and be happy" there is, but the ONLY way I'll ever get the life I deserve is to move my body and take the actions that that life requires.

It doesn't get any more black and white than that. If I don't write this blog post tonight, I'll yet again "fail" to write that second blog post in one day to get ahead of schedule. The only way to get ahead of schedule is to be unreasonable. 

Can't sleep at my usual bed time today. Can't play Fortnite yet. Can't afford to indulge in justifications or reasons. Cause as we're well familiar with, there is at least one REALLY good reason/justification to not do what we said we'd do today.

"Too tired."

"It's not a big deal."

Or my personal favorite - "I'll do it tomorrow."

Those are all valid reasons we indulge in, and will be susceptible to. But valid reasons didn't get anybody anywhere except where they've always been. 

So, if we want to get where we want to be, then we MUST do what we know we must do. Over time, as we demonstrate to ourselves that we are unreasonable, well, then our lives become ones that only unreasonable people lead. 

The ones that write books, create seminars, generate passive streams of income, and impact the whole human race. 

I know how deeply you want to fulfill on your dreams and change the world. I have the same burning desire. Join me, be unreasonable, and let's lead unreasonable lives together. 

Find Your Flow: Do What Works, Not What's "Right"

There is no right way, only the way that works for you.

There is no "right way" to do things. Everyone is different. What works for him/her may not work for you. Just because mom does it that way, and taught you to do it this way, doesn't make it "right." It may be the most efficient way for her, or for most people, but if you don't enjoy the process then customize it so that you do enjoy it. 

I used to do what I think I should do, as opposed to what works for my needs. With this paradigm, one is limited only to certain actions. It constrains creativity , resourcefulness, and self-expression. Plus, a person may continue doing what they think is "right" and not get the results they want, then they suffer - "I did everything right! What gives?!" 

Here's an exaggerated example: one of the common societal rules is to brush your teeth once in the morning and once at night (at least). It may be the case that this does not work for you, or maybe your set of teeth have evolved past the typical human's, and you don't even need to brush your teeth at all.

Point being, if you could achieve your desired results doing less work, less steps, or just done another way that works best for YOU, then do THAT. Vice versa, you may need to work harder or add a couple more steps to your process to achieve your goals.

Learn yourself, learn what works for you. 

Learn From the Greats, Then Become One. 

You're likely someone who's looking to be the best version of themselves. As such, you likely model your life after the most successful people in the world.

You say, "okay, if Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder and CEO) wears the same t-shirt everyday to save brain power, then surely I "should" do that too and it will lead to similar success." Try it, of course, and if it works: great, but if it doesn't: cut it out immediately!

Zucks does that because it works for HIM. He commits himself to what works for him and his mission, I imagine. In your case, it may be that you enjoy the process of choosing an outfit everyday. It feeds your soul. It's necessary for you. It WORKS for YOU.

Overhaul what doesn't work. Replace it with what does work.

Today, I encourage you to pick one area of life that hasn't been working, and try something that might work better instead! Be free from the constrain known as "the right way to do it" and discover the freedom of doing what works for you :) 

No more making yourself wrong for waking up at 9am.