Alright, let me clarify two things:
(1) I drank two Blue Moon beers about an hour ago, alongside my dad. It's Father's Day here in America.
(2) I am technically a "content creator" even though I don't have millions of followers and don't make a financial living off of my content (YET)
Now that that's out of the way, let me tell you what it's been like thus far. I'll break it down into three sections.
Section 1: What It's Like Being Vulnerable To Judgment
People talk shit as much as they talk love. Meaning, there are people out there who are full on triggered by my content and my way of life. There are also people who love it. Point is, I have no fucking control over WHO is the hater and the lover.
Although I am open to another possibility, I am positive that there are a few people on the "hater list" that are from my own friends and family list. And guess what? It literally doesn't matter.
Look, just cause someone is your family or friend doesn't mean they aren't another human open to judge you. They have EVERY right to judge you just like everyone else. I know the socially correct thing to do is love your family no matter what...but still.
Second, yeah it's still nerve wracking at times...but the cost of being judged is worth the payoff.
What are the payoffs? I'll give you a list in BULLET FORM:
- I get to share my thoughts and opinions and validate myself as someone who matters
- I have a platform that I'm free to share and say and do whatever I want
- People ALL OVER THE WORLD are having their lives change forever as a result of my content
- I HAVE A BRAND. It may not be Nike or even Big Baller Brand, but I have an active brand and it's growing every fucking day.
- I AM DOING WHAT I LOVE. That's more than most people will ever say. Facts.
- I get to be me, 100%. That's the biggest payoff right there. Ain't no cost that's worth sacrificing my true self expression and creativity for. No fucking way.
That's just some of the payoffs, but most of the ones that drive me to post content and be me despite fears of judgment or lack of love.
Section 2: Massive Levels of Joy & Fulfillment
Photo by santypan/iStock / Getty Images
Straight up, I LOVE writing, creating videos, and sharing messages through social media. I Just do. They are all creative outlets for me to express myself.
I don't blog because I have to. I don't do it because it's my job. I don't even do it because I get paid, because I don't. I write these blogs because they bring me joy and fulfillment, ALONG with the fact that other people benefit from them. It's a win-win situation!
Section 3: I Do What I Love
One of my gripes with working a 9-5 job is that it doesn't feel like I have freedom in my life. Lions don't live a 9-5 job. Ants don't live a 9-5 job. Humans are the only things on earth that exchange their time for money. I just can't do it - I'm sorry.
I know having a job is practical and even necessary...but my soul just can't wrap itself around clocking in at a corporation every day. It just can't.
That's just me. Just like some people don't care for sports, or In-N-Out, or alcohol, I don't care for working a 9-5 job.
Instead, I like doing the things I love. Like watching movies, reading, creating blog posts, recording YouTube videos, Life Coaching, connecting with others, playing sports, etc.
That's just me.
And yea, I do need money to live, and so the goal is to create a business around all those things. And that's exactly what I'm doing. YEE!
Bonus Section: What Do I Do About Haters or Criticizers?
Look man, my lifestyle may not be orthodox. But, at the end of the fucking day, I am the one that lives my life, and all opinions from others are literally irrelevant.
For example, let's say someone criticizes me like I should be working a 9-5 job until I'm making enough money to be financially independent. Once that conversation is over, THAT person is going to go live their life and I'm going to live mine.
Am I REALLY going to alter my life JUST because someone else who's NOT living my life and NOT responsible for my happiness says I should do X Y or Z?
Uhm, fuck no.
That literally makes no sense.
Now I get that when our close friends and family tell us something we ought to listen and consider it my seriously...
BUT EVEN THEN, at the end of the day, when I die, the only person I will have to blame for all the decisions I made in life are ME.
So there you go. Haters only say words. That's it. Who the fuck cares. It's my life.
Being a content creator is much more than making content. Creating content is an expression of self. It's something much deeper being expressed. My soul LIVES through my content. I love it!!!