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What's The Next Level?

You know when you dream of getting to a certain level in life, you don't really consider what you'd want to do afterward. For years I've dreamed of getting to the place I'm at now. Not that I'm at some crazy peak in life, but I'm at a place where I've been trying to get to. Now that I'm here, I'm not really sure where to go next.

I guess what I'm saying here is that the next step is not clear in my mind. 

At the same time, I must be weary of not going backward. I'm getting impatient. At at the same time I'm not really taking action. It's a dangerous place to be in. 

Dangerous as in this is the time I typically blow shit up. Where I give up. Where I falter. Where I convince myself that I'm not doing enough so what's the point.

Being human is weird.
