It's All Going To Be Okay

At the moment, a sense of peace and relief has come over me. The last couple weeks I've been in my head about "what am I supposed to do" or "what I am doing is not enough." There's a sense of desperation around having to get somewhere, and a high level of judgment with where I am now. I can only imagine that many people experience this at some point in their lives as well.

There's always something we can worry about and make stressful. It's natural and part of being human. We're simply going to get worked up over life stuff. It's somewhat unavoidable - the happening of it. However, we can be responsible for how it affects us and how long it keeps us off our game. 

This is what I mean: We have little control over how our body and brain are triggered and react to stimulus, but we have control over what happens after being triggered. 

That's where humans and most other animals are different.

A dog, when triggered by a stimulus, is practically helpless to the way it behaves afterward. Meaning, when we snap our fingers, and the dog is trained to sit, the dog sits. 

When a "finger snaps" for us humans, we can FEEL the urge to sit, the AUTOMATIC phenomenon of wanting to sit, BUT we don't have to sit. We have more free will and awareness than that I'd like to think.

What is my point here.

My point is that when we get all stressed out, afraid, and paralyzed in not being enough, it is on us to find a way to get to that place of "everything is going to be okay." And not just...pretending like it's going to be okay, but ACTUALLY in the mental and emotional state of really being in the space of "everything is going to be okay."

Peace. Calm. Relief. 

Feels good doesn't it.

Much love,


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