You promised to the world that you’d workout every day for 2018. You were doing so well! Ugh, but what started as inspiration turned into discipline, then what turned into discipline turned into this feeling of “HAVING to do it.” Like a chore. Like homework. Like a lack of freedom in your life. Sound familiar?
Consider this, either you’re not connected to the reason you started, or you’re attached to a version of life that is not longer working for you serving you.
AND, on a separate note, you’re human. I know, I KNOW, you really truly wanted to make this time THE time you stuck with your goals. Which makes it even that much more embarrassing and shameful (for some, not all). It’s okay. IT’S OKAY.
Two Potential Paths
Back to the topic at hand, what are you to do?
In my experience, you can either remember what it was that WORKED in the past and just do that again. OR, you can know from my own experience that the Universe will course correct you eventually.
SO, either way, you can just make it a point to do what worked before, or you can just let go of that and wait until you get to a point of suffering where you do learn your lesson.
I know that may not be that practical. So let me get a little more practical. That’s why you’re here. Possibly.
Practical Advice…kind of
In my experience, there are things that we do without having to try or force. These things fill a certain pain point or need, so of course we do them. Things like drinking water when we’re thirst is a low level example. Or going to the bathroom, you just go because you have to go and the only way to get relief is to go.
So, consider that whatever pain point had you get your ass up and start something, is no longer present for you. You are more in the presence of pain caused by DOING something rather than the pain caused by NOT doing it.
Or rather, you’re not in the presence of the LONG-TERM pain. Cause in the short-term, the pain caused by “having” to get up and do something is what’s there, and the solution is to NOT do that thing.
However, get connected to what had you START and trust me, you’ll be fired up again. Or, at the very least, the RESISTANCE to what you feel like you “HAVE” to do will be replaced by being RELIEF.
Relief? How so.
Relief as in if what’s important to you deep down is to lead by example, because leading by example leads to X Y and Z, then you’ll WANT to get things done.
So…I guess the question is, “How do I discover what’s important to me?” Another blog for another day. Heh.
Closing Statement
Photo by maunger/iStock / Getty Images
So yea! Consider that you’re human (lol), and that it is NORMAL and NATURAL and EXPECTED that if you’re not connected to you “Deep Why”, then you’re just NOT going to get up and do things that cause pain in the short term.
Why? Cause without deep meaning, short-term pain simply isn’t worth it. Feel me?
Like who the fuck WANTS to do 30 crunches, run 4 miles, and meal prep for 2 hours every day? UNLESS, unless it served a purpose, a real purpose.
Otherwise, that’s insane.
People don’t go cutting their wrists because it feels painful. They do it because it feels good and serves a purpose, a DEEP one. That was a drastic example to use, but I feel it demonstrates the point very well.
SO. You’re not connected to a deeper reason, a deeper pain.
OR, shit, maybe the original purpose for beginning has already been filled, or you’re just no longer need to fill that original reason.
And that’s another piece to this puzzle. We make ourselves wrong for not being the same person we were earlier this year. Be open to change. Be open to new styles that suit new versions of you.
Let go of what you’re “supposed” to do, or the “right” way to do things.
There’s much more I would say on this topic, but for now, I end it here.
Until next time!
Gabriel Santos