I’m BAAAACCCCKKKK (at least for a day haha!) In this post, I let go of all my guilty feelings/thoughts and finally share with you all something I want to say! YAY!
My High School English teacher, Mr. Lewis, made the class freewrite for 5 minutes at the beginning of every class. It was the best, and it still is! This post includes a freewrite of today and a copy of a freewrite entry from back in high school. ENJOY SOME CHOCOLATE! (read post to understand wtf that means lmao)
We must let go of who we were in the past in order to make room for who we want to become. This post marks the end of a most remarkable chapter in my life. One filled with unprecedented results in my personal life. We’re talking getting a six pack, earning my first paying clients as a Life Coach, making my first $100 dollars of passive income, writing/publishing my first ebook to Amazon, starting my own blog and YouTube channel, and impacting 100s of lives!
And guess what, it’s all over! No, not my pursuit of bigger goals, but the chapter that includes the accomplishment of the above goals. So, as we ink the final pages of this first chapter, we acknowledge that it’s over.
You promised to the world that you’d workout every day for 2018. You were doing so well! Ugh, but what started as inspiration turned into discipline, then what turned into discipline turned into this feeling of “HAVING to do it.” Like a chore. Like homework. Like a lack of freedom in your life. Sound familiar?
Do not run. Do not fix. It’s not something you need to do, it’s something you need to feel. Read on.
Getting ahead in life is something we’d all want if it took no work to accomplish, right? Dishes always washed. Car always clean. Bills paid EARLY. Imagine the level of peace and bad-assery you’d feel, huh. Well, let me tell you, your ability to have that life doesn’t lie in some secret time management skill or a way to be motivated 24/7. Consider that you already have what you need. Read on.
Eating processed foods even though you’re on a diet? Snoozing instead of waking up on time? Giving up when it’s time to keep going? Whatever habit you’re trying to create, the hardest part is first ending old habits. If you are looking for that final piece of understanding to then make the change you’re looking for, read this article.
Two days. 14 miles. 14,000 feet. Here I go again, up another moutain. This is my Mt. Shasta experience.
As is tradition with all my major hikes and adventures, this post is a shared prayer as I prepare to hike and conquer Mt. Shasta this weekend.
Is it scary? Yes. Is it safe? Not entirely. Do you want to do it? Yes. Are you going to? _(your answer here)_.
The funny thing about life is that we often let our social image drive our decisions, rather than our own desires. What I mean is that we do what we can to avoid judgment in favor of love. Problem is, what is worthy of judgment and worthy of love vary on an individual level as well as a cultural level. Therefore, we can never fully win if the game is to please the world.
In someone’s eyes you are a hero. To someone, they look at you and wonder, how do they do it? To someone, you have what they want. It could be your confidence, your accomplishments, or your attitude in life. Whatever it is, other people model your example. With that, you have the power to change lives. Did you hear that?
For years, I felt like I kept moving 1 step forward and 1 step back. Workout for 1 month, then stop. Eat healthy for a while, then stop. Be productive, then stop. I could never sustain a routine it seemed. My results never stuck. And it SUCKED! Now that I’ve grown a shit ton, and my results have too, in this blog post I reflect back on the years of “no change” and share what I learned in hindsight.
Self Improvement is a near $10 billion dollar industry. That’s great…but does it actually do anything?
I’ve not been the man I promised myself, and others, that I’d be in the world. I am sorry. We will move forward powerfully!
Next Chapter Incoming!!!