Special Message #5: Being Special Isn't Special

I'm pretty sure this is the fifth installment of the "Special Message" series. If not, WOOPS!

In this special message, as usual, I will go off the cuff and share whatever it is that comes up. Kind of like an artist with a blank canvas, I'll just express through inspiration of the moment. That's what artists do, right? lol

What a weekend! On Sunday, May 27, 2018, I hiked up the famous Cactus to Clouds trail up Mt. San Jacinto. Excuse my emphasis on the numbers, but it was fuckin 22 miles long, 10,000+ feet high, and took my group and I over 15 hours to complete. I am impressed with myself and want you guys to be to. LOL (how humble of me). 

As amazing as that honestly is, it's actually not amazing at all. Why? Cause it doesn't take someone special to do it. Compared to the every day person, sure it's quite a feat. But compared to an Olympic athlete, oh, yea that's nothing. 

My point is not to belittle my accomplishment, but instead to gain some perspective. Always a healthy exercise - gaining perspective.

On a separate note, I'd like to share that things are moving forward quite awesomely in terms of the growth of my YouTube channel. The "tipping point" was when I let go of having to create super crazy awesome videos and instead just recorded 5-15 minute clips of me just talking to the camera, raw and uncut. 

I found that by keeping it simple, and focusing more on getting a message out there than trying to manipulate view counts and stuff, it was more fulfilling and created results. As opposed to being stuck, making no videos, and moving nowhere. 

Again, on another separate note, it always gives me a sense of accomplishment when my book "Marijuana Mindfulness" gets a sale. It was always my dream to make "passive income" and I'm proud to say I actually DO make passive income. Is it a sexy amount? Like say $1,000 a month or something like that? No. But I do make passive income, which is more than most people can and will ever say. 

To be specific, someone bought a copy of the book off of my own website for the first time. Typically the book sales come from Amazon. But the fact that someone visited my website and purchased the book is mind blowing. 

A take away message for you, the reader, is this: If you don't create the possibility of success, then you won't get it. Said another way, if I don't have that book, I don't make sales. If I don't post it on Amazon, I don't make sales. If I don't post it on my website, I don't make sales. Is it guaranteed that I make sales even if I do those things? No. But it is 100% guaranteed I'll make zero sales if I don't do those things. 

It's kind of like this. If you build a gym, then people will want to work out. If you don't build a gym, well, there's none of that. 

It's not quite "if you build it they will come" type stuff. But low key...it's exactly that. 

Anyways, that's all for today. 

Hope everyone is well. Thank you for reading, and have a phenomenal day!

Much love,


Gabriel Santos