Photo by vadimguzhva/iStock / Getty Images
Hello all!
If you're like me, then you dream of having that perfect morning routine. A routine that screams "winner, champion, successful." However, in your journey to creating that routine, you may have found yourself falling of the bandwagon one, two, 70 times. And whenever you decide to get back on the wagon, you eventually fall off again. Sound familiar? Cool, cause that's what I went through as well.
After being frustrated with myself over this lack or consistency and sustainability, I finally had a couple breakthroughs that now bring ease, purpose, and sustainability to my morning routine. I'm going to share those breakthroughs with you in this article with hopes that it's what will have you breakthrough as well. (assuming that's why you're here)
Here's how it'll go:
In the first half of this article I share with you what made the difference between me burning out from a morning routine, and creating a sustainable, fulfilling routine that meets my needs.
In the second half, I share with you exactly what my routine looks like as well as the little details behind each action step.
Sit back, enjoy, and get ready to create the morning routine you've always wanted but never had!
How I was finally able to create a morning routine that is sustainable, intentional, and fulfilling
I've had many installments of a morning routine over the years. They varied in intensity, duration, and sustainability. Many of the things I do now are things I did in the past, but for some reason I was never able to sustain it over a long period of time. Similarly, I often felt burnt out by my morning routine's. They were not fulfilling at all.
What made the difference were two realization:
1. There is no right way to do a morning routine. There's only the way that works for you.
Prior to this breakthrough, my morning routine had to be X, Y, Z in that order, at that time, in that way, OR ELSE. Lol. If I didn't do things in that way, there was much judgement on my part. Shoulda seen my previous morning routines. I had like 15 items, all with strict time durations. It was much less of a morning routine, and more of a morning exam.
2. Do it because it makes sense for you, not because it looks good to others.
I used to do a lot of things to appear impressive, as opposed to doing things for a purpose. For example, I would create morning routines based on how good it sounded that I did that. "I meditate every morning, look at me" is essentially the subconscious message I was looking to convey. Or I'd do a morning ritual because some billionaire CEO does it, and my ego wants to identify itself with success like that.
Without intention, purpose, and customization to one's personal needs, a routine will surely fail.
Once I gave up trying to look good, and decided to create a life that I like, for myself, and my life, things started to shift.
My Morning Routine
wake up somewhere between 5:45-7am
I currently work part-time for a food delivery company called Doordash. I create my own hours. Goodbye 7am shifts, hello noon to 5pm shifts :P
- The time I get out of bed depends on a couple factors
- is there a pressing deadline or time-schedule that day?
- how rested I am when I initially wake up
- some days I get 4 hours of sleep and I'm energized
- other days I get 6 hours of sleep and I'm groggy
- I tend to let my body decide what's up, and luckily I've created my schedule in such a way where I can afford to do that
- am I ready to begin my day?
- there are some days I wake up and I'm immediately in action
- there are other days when I wake up and I play Star Wars: Heroes on my phone for 30 minutes in bed before I decide I'm good to go.
Drink hella water (250-500mL)
- I don't remember where, but our bodies are pretty dehydrated when we first wake up. This makes sense, cause we didn't drink water for 4-8 hours while asleep.
- It feels awesome, and it gets the habit of drinking water throughout the day started
- I fill a 500mL Swell Water Bottle (super awesome water bottle that keep water cold and looks dope and modern) up every night in preparation for my morning water needs
Brush my teeth
- *self-explanatory*
Rebound on mini-trampoline for 4-10 minutes (2 minute intervals)
- Rebounding is an exercise that I first heard about through Tony Robbins.
- Rebounding is a form of lymphasizing, which is essential for optimal body function. However, the lymphatic system depends on physical exercise and movement to circulate lymph fluids effectively. Rebounding is one of the best ways to accomplish this.
- Click learn more about Rebounding, click here and here.
Priming w/ Tony Robbins
- Priming is 15 minute, guided meditation/breathing/visualization exercise. The intention is to get the body, spirit, emotion, and mind aligned with our highest self and purpose (my own words).
- I could see myself substituting Priming for other morning mindfulness practices in the future, but for now it's Tony and I every morning, priming our hearts out.
- To try out priming for yourself, visit this link or search "Priming Tony Robbins" on YouTube.
Make my bed (most days)
- I'd say 90% of the time I'll make my bed. I read somewhere that making one's bed in the morning is the ultimate discipline. That's great and all, and I totally validate that notion. However, some days my bed just doesn't get made and I stopped judging myself for it a while ago.
- I will say this, I'd much rather be the version of me that makes his bed than the one that doesn't. However, on those days when I choose to keep the bed in it's non-made form, I make the conscious choice to make the bed the next day.
- I need a break from being perfect, disciplined, goody two shoes all the time.
Drink Hot Green Tea!
- this is one of my newest additions to the morning routine, and it's also one of my favorite parts
- not only does it warm my body up, green tea is a natural detoxify-er
- I used to smoke weed every morning (not part of conscious routine...more so as part of a cycle of depression and not knowing what to do with my life.) Now I drink green tea. lol
For more information on morning routines, here are some links I gathered for your knowledge consuming pleasure:
The 5 Productive Morning Routines Of Highly Effective People [Video]
The Morning Habits Of Highly Successful People
We Tried CEO Morning & Night Routines (buzzfeed video where three people tried CEO routines for a week)