My Experience Training with Extreme Adventure Athletes

Recently I joined a group known as Elite24Athletes. For the next 30 days, I will be training, eating, and sleeping as if I were preparing to do some extreme adventure experiences (not quite Mt. Everest, but not your lollygag hike trail either). I'll get into the details of what this 30-day program is like, but first let me introduce the two leaders of the group.

***To see more of what Elite24Athletes is about, visit their Instagram and website:



Meet Randy and Andre

The group is led by two experienced extreme adventurers:

Randy whose age I don't know, is probably a 40-something year old with the physique, energy, and spirit of a 25 year old in his prime. He's done countless extreme adventures that many people never cross off their bucket list. He's a seasoned pro and plans on being at the top of Mt. Everest one day soon.

After all that Randy's done, and all the skills he's acquired, his passion lies in giving away his expertise and experience to those seeking to follow a similar adventure lifestyle. 

He is truly a remarkable man with an extraordinary story and background.


Here's a brief list of just SOME of Randy's adventure resume:

  • Backpacked, climbed, pack rafted through Alaska for 30 days
  • Traveled all 50 states, visiting 600+ National Parks, Monuments, Rivers, Seashores,  Lakeshores, Landmarks, Battlefields, & Forests (via Trekking, climbing, snowshoeing, scuba diving, kayaking, rafting and skydiving.  Covering hundreds of thousands of miles of diverse road and land)
  • Backpacked, climbed, surfed, fished, dove and island hopped Fiji for 2 weeks
  • Climbed several 14,000 foot peaks in Alaska, Colorado and California.
  • But his biggest accomplishment has been to take his kids (Cody 20 and Jazzlyn 17) on most excursions and teach them survival skills in the harshest of environments

The other leader of the group, Andre, is closer to my age and could kick my ass in any athletic competition. Just like Randy, Andre seeks to dominate the outdoors and surpass his own perceived limitations. Furthermore, Andre is a scientist when it comes to proper nutrition and rest. He runs a semi-24 hour group chat to monitor the group's daily nutrition and answer any questions. I imagine Andre is just like Randy, just 10 years of experience behind.

Here's a list of Andre's adventure resume (thus far!):

  • Peak bagged - San Jacinto, Mt. Baldy, Iron Mountain (LA) 
  • 5th place on first triathlon
  • participated in Spartan Races, Mud Runs, half marathon
  • biked 101 miles while gaining 7500 of elevation
  • rock climb, canyoning, rappelling
  • training for his first 70.3 Ironman in Oceanside this April 7th, 2018

Point is, both men are beasts and challenge me and the other group members to evolve as athletes.

You can follow both of these elite athletes on Instagram:

  • Randy - @rrokosz73
  • Andre - @andre24beastmode

As for me..(lmao), I don't have any dying passions to atop Mt. Everest or race against sharks. However, I do have personal fitness and health goals. Keep reading to find out what they are!

My Fitness & Health Goals

I've always considered myself an athlete and dreamed of embodying my "peak" physical and health shape. On the vain side of things, I've always wanted my six-pack to show without having to flex (aka <12% body fat) and want to perform at a high level with the sports I already enjoy - basketball, hiking, weight training, snowboarding, rock climbing - etc. 

For a long time I've said I want to live to be at least 100 years old. Yes, cause I want to live a long time and exhaust my life experience. But more so cause I want to be 100 years old and still relatively healthy and "young." With proper nutrition, activity, and rest, I don't see why being 100 years old, and alive and well, is that big a deal. 

Lastly, as a Life Coach, it's a big deal to be someone who walks the talk. As far as personal goals that people have, being X pounds and having abs is more than enough for people to feel good about themselves, yet only so many people really get there and sustain it. 

By creating those results for myself, I will further solidify my credibility as someone with integrity, as well as become someone who others can turn to for legitimate, results-based advice and education.

How I became a sponsored elite24athlete

A couple weeks ago, I asked Andre if I could use their $8,000 machine to measure my body composition. Seconds later, Andre offered me a sponsorship position with their Elite Athlete group, which included the body composition test and much more. After learning the details, I saw it as a sign that the  Universe is sending me the experience I'd need to know what it will take to achieve my "peak" physique and health goals.

At the beginning of each month, Randy and Andre seek to sponsor one teenager, male, and female athlete. As a sponsor, I only pay $50 for a complete health, nutrition, and fitness regimen (including nearly 24 hour support for questions and comments). The original price is $175 for a month (which in my opinion is well worth the support being offered and the expertise). I'm only two days in, but I've already gained $50 worth of value alone. (lol, now if only I had more income flowing that didn't make $50 seem like $500 - I digress)

The Elite24Athlete 45-minute workout from hell: Randy's 'Normal' is my 'extreme'

Yesterday, 3/12/18, we went through a fit test to measure each participant's base line statistics in terms of body composition (bf%, lean body mass), agility, resting HR, active HR levels, muscle imbalances, and much more. It was freakin AWESOME.

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After the fit test, we partnered up and worked through a f**king insane 45-minute, circuit-style program (see right picture). The point of this 45-minute workout was to experience what it takes to reach our target performance Heart Rate levels. In short, it is a person's ability to maintain mega-high heart rates for decently long periods of time, that makes them an elite athlete performer. 

Not surprisingly, I was partnered with Randy. The instructions for the group was that for each exercise, to complete the assigned rep count as a combined total. For example, if we are to do 100 sit ups, that's 50 for person A and 50 for person B. That in itself is already a lot when you consider there are like a bajillion exercises to do, with an average of 100 reps total for each. 

Then, every 15 minutes the entire group stops to measure their Heart Rates.

RANDY, the damn psycho maniac athlete he is, decides that for him and I, we are going to do not 100 combined, but 100 total (pretty much). I do not complain, in fact, I kind of saw this coming. 

OH! and there were a number of times we did EXTRA sets. F**K ME! I mean YAY!

When everything was said and done, my ass exhausted, Randy explained to the group the overarching purpose of the 45-minute workout: To see what it takes to reach our elite performance heart rate levels. 

For most people, myself included, we BARELY reached the minimum heart rate it takes for it to be considered productive training. And we were working our assess off!

In hindsight, Randy's decision to do extra sets and reps was on purpose: we needed to do that in order to raise our Heart Rate levels. And man, Randy was really kicking my ass. I don't say that in a victim way, I say that in a "wow, I'm really getting to see what it's like to train and perform at a high, elite level." It gave me just a small glimpse of what my favorite professional athletes put themselves through in order to be the best. 

Hang out with people who have your results

My personal take away from yesterday's training, among many, was this: 

in order for me to get where I want to be, I need to train with the people who are already there and are going for more. 

For example, I had no freaking clue that HR was that important. I knew it was important, but I never made it a priority in my previous fitness regimens. And to see what the hell it takes to reach target HR levels, it's WAY more than I ever push myself in my personal workouts. 

It also makes sense why the popular HIIT workout "Insanity" creates the results it does. Insanity is pretty much 45 minutes of non-stop cardio and agility movements. That program, done right, definitely hits a person's target HR levels. 

I am only two days in, but I am in love with my experience so far. It reminds me of the days I was part of a baseball or hockey team. It feels good to be surrounded by individuals who are as serious and dedicated to being at their top nutrition and physical game. 

As for the next 28 days? I'll check in periodically to share in my blog how things are going and how much I am dead lol. At the very end of the 30 days, I will post the before and after pictures - cause we know how effective those are in "wow-ing" an audience. 

Until then, wish me luck! This will be the most dedicated to my health and fitness goals I'd ever been. Likely the most I'd ever asked of my body - as well as my mind.

I encourage you to do something similar: 

It doesn't have to be extreme, but, in some way seek out people who already have the same results that you want. Follow them, they'll lead the way.

Go after your dreams. Your soul lives for the pursuit of them.