It's 11:15pm right now as I write this blog post. I typically end all intensive brain power activities at 10pm sharp - for my own sanity and self-care. However, in the path to creating the life I want and deserve, it's clear that in order to get where I will soon be, I must be unreasonable - and so do you.
Nobody is going to move me forward. At the end of the day, I can attend $10,000 worth of Tony Robbins seminars, be trained by the best coaches and teachers, read every book on "how to succeed and be happy" there is, but the ONLY way I'll ever get the life I deserve is to move my body and take the actions that that life requires.
It doesn't get any more black and white than that. If I don't write this blog post tonight, I'll yet again "fail" to write that second blog post in one day to get ahead of schedule. The only way to get ahead of schedule is to be unreasonable.
Can't sleep at my usual bed time today. Can't play Fortnite yet. Can't afford to indulge in justifications or reasons. Cause as we're well familiar with, there is at least one REALLY good reason/justification to not do what we said we'd do today.
"Too tired."
"It's not a big deal."
Or my personal favorite - "I'll do it tomorrow."
Those are all valid reasons we indulge in, and will be susceptible to. But valid reasons didn't get anybody anywhere except where they've always been.
So, if we want to get where we want to be, then we MUST do what we know we must do. Over time, as we demonstrate to ourselves that we are unreasonable, well, then our lives become ones that only unreasonable people lead.
The ones that write books, create seminars, generate passive streams of income, and impact the whole human race.
I know how deeply you want to fulfill on your dreams and change the world. I have the same burning desire. Join me, be unreasonable, and let's lead unreasonable lives together.
Next Chapter Incoming!!!