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5 Winning Mindset Tips For Creating A Website or Blog

If you're reading this, I am assuming you're currently creating a website or are considering creating a website. If that is the case, congrats! I acknowledge that you are taking action in your life and are looking to leverage the experience of others to expedite your success.

On that note, here are some winning mindset tips for creating a website or blog that have helped me stay consistent and positive in creating my own website:

  1. Commit to Long-Term Thinking

    • Creating your own website is like raising your own child or puppy: it's a long term investment. You're not going to know what you're doing at first, you're going to make mistakes, and nobody is going to visit your site - AT FIRST.

    • By adopting a long-term thinking mindset, you'll focus more on daily growth than short-term failure.

  2. Create An Archive For the Future

    • Create content knowing that people are going to be viewing it in the future, as well as today.

    • The value in your content is not in who sees it today, it's in who sees it - period. 

    • So focus more on creating content consistently, forever, than getting views or getting dollars today.

  3. Trust yourself & Believe in Your Vision

    • There's a reason why you're so jazzed about creating a website. Keep that reason in mind, especially if you encounter resistance or doubt from yourself or others.

    • It is 100% possible to achieve whatever vision you have, even if nobody else has done it before. Trust yourself!

  4. There is No Right Way (aka your way is the right way)

    • There are a ton of ways to create an awesome, successful website. 

    • If you search the web, you'll find courses, both free and for pay, that will suggest a full on, step-for-step way to build a successful website. Feel free to adopt any strategies or tips from those resources.

    • Ultimately though, do it your way, and learn from your own experience

  5. Focus on Consistent Daily Growth

    • As they say "Rome wasn't built in a day." Neither will your website. 

    • It is an ever growing process, in which you will always be improving your website!

The biggest challenge I faced when I first started developing my website, was the lack of perceived success. In my eyes, if my content wasn't going viral or if my affiliate links were bringing in any money, then I'm failing. Similarly, when I'd promote an article or my website on facebook, the lack of likes and comments it would get were disheartening. 

By utilizing the 5 tips above, I shifted my mindset, which changed the way I viewed success in terms of building a website. As content creators, we're creating something for lifetime views not 1,000,000 views today. 
