It is common for we human beings to need certain results or outcomes in order to feel happy, confident, and secure. Until we achieve those results, however, we can find ourselves feeling empty, unsatisfied, and needing "more" or "something else" to feel how we most desire.
Although there is nothing inherently wrong with this way of life, it can be unfulfilling, given that many of our big goals, and the rewarding emotions we yearn for, take lots of time. And, in many cases, some of us give up on those big goals and never get to experience the emotions we attach to those results.
So, what is one to do?
The irony in that question, is that what there is to "do" is nothing. To clarify, it's not an action that will break the habit of needing results to feel good. What will have you detach your emotions from needing the results is a return to the truth - you don't need to do, become, or achieve ANYTHING to be the whole, complete, perfect being that you are.
lol, if you had any reaction to what I just shared, I promise you that reaction is something of your mind, something that isn't really you. No worries, I wouldn't leave you high and dry like that. Read this blog post on "how to access the moment and return to the true you."
Deep down, WAY DEEP DOWN, a place maybe you've forgotten exists, is the real you that is whole, perfect, and complete without needing any money, fancy name plates, or infinite amount of sex partners. I PROMISE YOU, it's there.
At your core, the freedom, and happiness, and "for no reason" joy and laughter is there waiting for you to reconnect. Look at children, they express joy and freedom (as well as frustration and anger) as they please. They don't need a million dollars or a million likes on social media. You give them a piece of paper and they find a way to be excited.
That piece of you still exists, but most cultures do not make it a point to protect and nurture that beautiful nature in all of us.
So, it's up to you to return to that place. It's there waiting. A place that no amount of money, girls (or boys), or success could substitute for.
To return to that place, all you need to do is access the moment - the present. Your mind, the ego, has taken over everything. It has you be everywhere else except "here" - now. You may be physically in the room, but mentally you're somewhere else.
The riches of life exist nowhere else except in the moment. You must make it your priority to fight for your soul, transform the way you relate to the mind, the thoughts, and the emotions. Or else you'll go an entire life chasing a feeling of permanent satisfaction by accomplishing goals that will only provide temporary relief.
The root cause of your dissatisfaction with yourself and your life has not to do with the lack of something - lack of money, clothes, sex partners, career success.
The root cause of your dissatisfaction is that the very thing that seeks satisfaction can never be fully satisfied. Your mind will tell you ALL the things it NEEDS to have. And people are so identified with that voice that they BECOME it.
The voice says "we need to have X Y and Z to feel confident and happy and like we're worth it" and then soon your entire quest in life is to get X Y and Z.
There's nothing wrong with success, accomplishment, and striving for more. It's just that...those things can only bring so much joy and fulfillment compared to the deep, connected knowing that underneath those surface level achievement, you are whole, perfect, and complete.
You were never not enough. Not once.
Photo by AntonioGuillem/iStock / Getty Images
When you reconnect with the truth of you, that you don't NEED ANYTHING ELSE to be and feel how you truly want to be and feel, then you're FREE to choose any path of life you want. You're not looking for something to complete you. In fact, you may find that your previous goals no longer interest you. Because the NEED to have them is gone.
Free from the minds grip, it becomes EXTREMELY EASY to go about accomplishing your goals, because the emotional strain of NEEDING to get there is gone. All that's left is action. And what often gets in the way of people taking action at a rapid pace is how they feel, which is usually held captive by what they think they need to do, be, or accomplish.
When you are ridden with fear, constrain, and desperation for results, that makes taking action a fight.
When you are free, liberated, at ease with yourself, you are free to be and act in whatever you you choose.
There is nowhere to get. The true you was the true you when you were born. The true you is the true you now. The true you will be the true you when you die. Whatever you decided to do and accomplish while you're alive? Well, that's up to you :) Either way, you're free, even if you don't know it or feel it yet.
Next Chapter Incoming!!!