more thoughts and feelings after Mac Miller’s passing.
Journal: Transmuting Loss Into Love
Trying Out A New Style Of Writing
Hey! I am going to try out a more journal-style of writing in this blog. Instead of creating content that emphasizes a certain topic to solve a problem, this blog will be instead about whatever it is I want to share, reflect upon, or capture in writing.
I’m picturing my mother possibly being the biggest fan of this if I ever did it consistently. I do adore her.
My concern is that people won’t care nearly enough about reading Gabe’s Journal. But hey, I don’t know if that’s true at all. What I do know is that I feel a strong pull to try this out. So here we go!!!
It feels weird, often. Not weird; Lonely.
To know something, a hidden supply of treasure, whilst others walk about and I pretend I don’t know where it is and how to get there.
My issue is this, I don’t yet know how to lead others there so that they find the treasure for themselves.
So I stay quiet. Settling for a pleasant interaction. My assumption is that people don’t want what I have to offer. They probably wouldn’t believe me if I tried.
The spiritual masters speak of the gold we sit on. This is what I am alluding to as well. Heaven is within.
But without proper sight, one could not see or know this.
They may agree with it in concept, but that does not mean they’ve discovered it for themselves. They only know of it, but they’ve never actually been there.
Continued writing next morning
There is concern, but there is also judgment fueling the concern. Each person has the capacity to “see.”
It took me time to “see” for the first time. And I wasn’t even trying. It was a moment of grace.
I suppose I must accept that, just as it was out of my hands in that moment, it is also out of my hands in terms of what someone else will and will not “see.”
And that compassion will go a long way in this regard.
And that, if I just focus on my own sight, and how I show up, that might just be enough to make a difference.
That it’s not about forcefully trying to show a person something they’re not asking to see. It’s not about making others wrong for not knowing what they don’t know. And it’s not about trying to secretly have people see, and then making them wrong when they do not see lmao.
It’s just about me showing up a certain way, and I just need to follow my heart and spirit and be mindful of the mind itself and the pain body.
And that I can let go of the pressure of helping others to see.
Hm. Just some thoughts.
Signing off.
Next Chapter Incoming!!!