Are You Going To Disneyland? Or Prison. "Gabe, what?" (JUST READ)

Are You Going To Disneyland? Or Prison. "Gabe, what?" (JUST READ)

The funny thing about life is that we often let our social image drive our decisions, rather than our own desires. What I mean is that we do what we can to avoid judgment in favor of love. Problem is, what is worthy of judgment and worthy of love vary on an individual level as well as a cultural level. Therefore, we can never fully win if the game is to please the world.

Special Message #6: The Answers Are Coming

Special Message #6: The Answers Are Coming

For years, I felt like I kept moving 1 step forward and 1 step back. Workout for 1 month, then stop. Eat healthy for a while, then stop. Be productive, then stop. I could never sustain a routine it seemed. My results never stuck. And it SUCKED! Now that I’ve grown a shit ton, and my results have too, in this blog post I reflect back on the years of “no change” and share what I learned in hindsight.