I always know when things are not quite in alignment when my room (or house) starts to get messy and disorganized. For me, when I'm on top of my schedule, my room stays clean. When I'm not on my schedule, things get all over the place. The energy of my room is the energy of my life.
Keep Moving Forward
A Late Night Message
Its 11:19pm as I type this out on my phone. I just woke up from falling asleep watching ESPN earlier around 830pm. I'm gonna go back to sleep soon, but it occurred to me I don't have a blog post written for tomorrow. I'd write it tomorrow but I don't have time. So here we are.
Earlier today as I was 1 hour in on a 2 hour drive home from LAX airport, something Gary V said on a video of his resonated with me. What Gary said was something to the affect of "if you're under 30 years old you're supposed to have nothing still" and "unless you're willing to do the dirty work and fail and lose and grind, you're not gonna make it."
What resonated with me is the realization that my expectation of being big or having massive success must be tamed. Meaning, this shit is going to be a while and I'm going to be eating shit for a while. Meaning, the low view counts and lack of public recognition for how much I know I'm worth is going to be normal for a while.
As Grant Cardone says, "pay the price now so you can pay any price tomorrow."
From the depths of my heart and soul, I truly believe I will be massively financially successful and impact millions of lives. I really do. The timeline, not sure. The way it'll all end up going? Even more unclear. Regardless, I'm certain I will get to where I've been saying I'm going.
What I feel is the next part of the journey is a lot of being silent in the public arena and grinding hard as shit behind the scenes.
The name of the game is producing passive income assets. Back to back to back to back. I want my instagram posts to be milestones and one of results, not constant like-fueled crap posts.
I want the first post I make on January 2019 one of me opening the door of my first apartment. That's what I fuckin want.
Take home message: Our dreams are all so possible, but its gonna take years of work to make it all happen. That's just reality. It's worth it. You know what's not worth it? Anything fucking less.
Next Chapter Incoming!!!