Why You Should Start Your Own Blog/Website NOW

Building a well optimized and designed website that produces high quality content is not an overnight feat. Yet, that is the vision many of us have when we dream of having our own website. 

We look at the websites of people like Tony Robbins, Apple, or our favorite YouTuber, and we imagine that our website will look similar. Even more, we truly believe that we can create a website as good as them.

Trust me though, if you've ever tried to create a website that people actually care about, that attracts views and clicks, then you know it takes more than just 30 minutes on the Square Space web builder to create something worth someone's time. 

Building an awesome website is no different than building anything else awesome, it takes time and work, and a lot of adjustments. AKA, there's a learning curve that you'll have to go through. 

So START NOW. Who cares if you don't know how. That's why NOW is the time to learn. Cause it's gonna take time to get it where you want it to be. So START NOW. 

Who cares if it sucks. Who cares if nobody visits it. Who cares if nobody cares. Why would they? 

It takes time before people care. They won't be able to care if you don't START NOW, and constantly work on it until they do care. 

Plus! The Internet is here to stay. And creating your own website is equivalent to having your own business, or house, online. You MUST have one if you want to thrive in the society we live in. 

(okay I take that back, you don't have to have a website, but it's a damn smart idea)

CREATE content. It doesn't have to be an award winning article, book, video, or product. Just create stuff that's yours. Who KNOWS what can happen. 

All it takes is one viewer to LOVE your stuff, follow you closely, and share your material. That's all it takes. And all of a sudden you matter to someone's life. Your content WILL matter to someone out there. It won't matter at all though, if you don't create any content and make it visible to others. 

SO START NOW!!! The world is waiting. 

How Does Your Online Content Impact The World?

The reality is that the Internet gives all of us access to any of the infinite articles, videos, websites, products, and other pieces of content hosted online. As such, the ability for even just one article or video to have an impact on the whole human race really isn't out of the question.

Take this string of ripple effect for example:

  1. Person A goes online and searches on "break up advice" on YouTube
  2. Person A finds a video by a random YouTuber - Person B
    1. I comment on the video, "thanks for this Person B, it changed my life!"
      1. Person B reads this and is inspired to stay strong in his mission
  3. inspired by the video, Person A decide to go back to the gym that day
    1. at the gym, Person A plays basketball against Person C
      1. Person A and Person C decide to exchange numbers, they're now friends
      2. Person A and Person C end up being friends for life
  4. Person A is now home and in an even greater mood having made a friend
  5. Person A creates their own video and shares it on Facebook
    1. Person D comments, "hey your video really made my day"
      1. Person D went from being bored and sad, to entertained and inspired
      2. Person D decide to text their friend, Person E, to hang out
        1. Person D and E hang out together and laugh, they feel great
        2. Person D and E's energy shines while they're in public
          1. the People (F, G, H, ..., Z) around them get a boost of energy just by watching them

Just by one video, one piece of content, Person A, B, C, D, all the way to Z, and beyond, were effected through the ripple effect.

So, ask yourself, what kind of impact does your your social media have on the people that view it? Is your page full of selfies and negative ranting? Or is it of you laughing and sharing your message? Or maybe you don't even post cause you don't think it matters.

That ask yourself, what kind of impact do you WANT your social media to have on the people that view it - and thus the world?

The power that all of us have to impact the world is great. Each one of us has the choice to make an impact on the people who come across our content. 

Take away: we NEVER know what impact our online content will have in the WORLD. Directly and indirectly. 

So if you're someone who's always wanted to start a YouTube channel, a blog, or just be a consistent social media poster - DO IT. There's someone out there who's life is going to change as a result of your content. 

And shoot, this very post may have just changed yours. 

A Message to My 3 Followers.

Okay so F**K the title for now. Gotta remember my game plan: create imperfection + edit = constant improvement. (edit: so I wrote this first sentence as a way to bull through my writer's block. At the time I was stuck on what topic to right about. Instead I just went for natural content, which is what I wrote below. I added the title once I finished the main piece.)

The truth is that I do not know the direction of this website in full. Since this website's inception early this morning, to now, I've had a ton of ideas as well as emotional highs and lows. At this very moment, I don't know what I'm going to do. But f**k it. 

This is a LONG term endeavor. This is a growing process. Right now, I'm focused less on making it perfect or having it cater to the audience super perfectly, and more so just about staying proactive and creating content - as opposed to staying still in "perfectionist" block. 

So yea, if you are reading this right now. THANK YOU. I acknowledge that you either support me enough to read it, or are genuinely curious to know what I am up to. Or shoot, maybe you're here to judge me. Either way, YOU'RE here. Thank you.

Stay tuned.